The ecological accompanying research deals with the migration of birds, the harbour porpoise occurrence, the benthos communities as well as the avoidance of environmental damage by ship collisions.
The research activities provide information on the spatial-temporal course of flight movements of birds as well as the variability of species-specific train intensities in the daily and annual course in the German part of the North Sea.
The objective is to measure the acoustic field at FINO3 as well as possible change resulting from the building and operation of the DanTysk and Sandbank24 offshore wind farms.
The objective is the development and construction of an underwater fish observatory (UFO) for the bentho-pelagic zone, which couples modern acoustic and optical techniques for monitoring fish stocks to their biotic environment.
The aim is to reliably forecast the sound pressure levels in the North Sea area, where wind farms are being built.The development of the forecast calculations is carried out depending on location and time and taking into account possible temporal overlapping of several construction projects.
The aim is to minimize the risk to marine mammals by underwater sound.As part of the sound insulation concept, a bubble curtain was kept in operation during ongoing pile driving, which was operated with maximum compressed air during the entire pile driving time.