Scratch resistant anti-biofouling coatings
Scratch Resistant and Long-lasting Anti-biofouling Coatings for the Protection of Submerse Monitoring Devices (U_GrAnt)
University of Applied Sciences Kiel - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Institute for Materials and Surface Technology
Prof. Dr. Mohammed Es-Souni
In recent years, the requirement for a comprehensive safety concept for offshore wind turbine systems has led to a steadily growing number of sensor monitoring systems. These have so far - at the expense of their durability - significant deficiencies in corrosion resistance and inhibition of growth. For reasons of environmental protection, biocide-containing paints may not be used as a protective layer, with the consequence that the devices often have to be cleaned, repaired and repainted. Consequently, operation and maintenance of such systems is time- and cost-intensive.The demand for scratch-resistant, growth-inhibiting and corrosion-resistant coatings is accordingly high.
Corrosion-resistant coatings functionalized with a swellable anti-fouling polymer provide a biomimetic "shark-skin" solution to the problem. It´s the purpose of this project to explore this approach and bring it to maturity within the next two years.
The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy is funding sub-project 0325915F with funds from the federal budget in the amount of EUR 319,801.00. The grant applies for the period from 01.01.2019 to 31.12.2020. The project is part of the collaborative project "Research on FINO3 for offshore wind technology".

Activities and goals
A corrosion resistant layer with a controlled morphology of the crystallite will be processed on various metallic substrates. Once the desirable morphology is obtained the layer will be functionalized throughout its thickness with a non-fouling polymer. The coating thus obtained consists of a nanocomposite material that possesses two functionalities: It is scratch and corrosion resistant as well as fouling resistant. The nanoscale character of the composite with the tailored "Shark Skin" topography enables a three-dimensional nanostructure with deep anchoring points for the grafting of the polymer. This polymer film acts similarly to a “slime” layer. The nanocomposite is in this respect biomimetic because it emulates the functionality of the “shark skin” while simultaneously being scratch resistant. This concept is completely innovative, nevertheless taking advantage of industrially viable processes which should allow a rapid scaling-up for a short to middle term industrial and commercial exploitation of the results. A proof-of-concept has already been demonstrated in preliminary investigations.